This is another small but life-changing addition to any workspace. Keep your shelves neat and tidy by sorting out all your larger items into large transparent plastic boxes. They also work incredibly well for storing papers and other important documents. Next, sort everything in your keep pile into categories, grouping like items with like. Create groups for paperwork, notetaking, computer equipment, etc.

How should home office be arranged?

Organize Vertically and Horizontally

Many home offices aren't swimming in square footage, so using space efficiently is imperative. Hang floating shelves on the walls to get papers and office equipment off the desk, and use vertical file folders on the desk to keep important papers within arm's reach.

Our free design software lets you easily personalize your items with no download required and you can save your projects to access later. When you’re done, you can print it yourself or have us print it for you. But you can’t just flop onto your couch with your laptop and expect to be productive. It’s important to establish an office or workspace within your home. Without it, you’re bound to get distracted, fall behind, and pretty soon, your home won’t feel so comfortable anymore.

Clear Your Bulletin or Message Board

To date, she has logged over 500 hours of organizing with her clients using Marie Kondo’s KonMari method. It can be alphabetical, numerical, color-coded — whatever works for you. Label every file and put it in its proper place in the filing cabinet so you won’t have to go hunting for it when you really need it. Once you’ve organized the rest of your office (read further down this list), you can find new homes for all of the supplies and other items you’ve relocated.

  • Make sure to clear out your notifications in your Inbox before you sign off.
  • ‘ says Cassie Fairy, upcycler and owner of My Thrifty Life blog.
  • Given all the important documents this space stores, it is crucial that you have an organized system that is functional and efficient for you.
  • Whether you’re struggling to set boundaries during your office hours or you just miss the vertical space that comes with an office cubicle, consider making your own with folding felt walls.
  • Try our freedomRail OBox Hanging File Unit to organize your important documents.
  • Whether it’s a monthly planner to keep track of important dates or a cork board to pin up the to-do list, the wall space above your desk is pretty useful too.

Even if it doesn’t perfectly match your desk, a hutch is a stylish way to make use of vertical space. Here, Hearth Homes Interiors goes for a narrow, open shelf design so the area still feels spacious. Do you trip over a snaking mass of wires and cables every time you step foot into your office? Having too many cables underfoot is not only a tripping hazard, but it also can pose a fire danger and make your office more cluttered than it already is. I’m a qualified organizer and I’ve kept a clean home for over 25 years.

Wire Rack Drawers

If you stay on top of it, your office will always stay clean and organized. Investing in these organization supplies will keep your items in order and easily accessible. If you’re working with limited space and don’t necessarily want to take up precious floor space with a clunky filing cabinet?

  • If you opt for a digital strategy be sure you still have space for all your tech to live when not in use such as a credenza or closet.
  • You’re about to spend a lot of time in your new home office, so it should be a place that you like walking into every day.
  • Consider creating a grab ‘n’ go emergency binder for important family documents like birth certificates, insurance, etc.
  • My favorite is the upcycled spice rack.If your business involves DIY jewelry, crafts, or sewing, this office organization hack can be very useful.
  • To maximize your home office space and, at the same time, add a bit of your personal touch to it, create your pegboard wall.

In reality, though, we stuff them with whatever we can’t find a place for or whatever piece of paper we don’t need to deal with anymore but don’t want to throw away. So our filing cabinet becomes our own personal landfill and when it’s full, we just move in another one. Your designated work space should be taken care of like any other space in your home. We recommend that at least once a week you wipe down your desk, sweep the floors and sanitize any items that you frequently
touch like your phone or keyboard. It’s easy for items such as an important document or your favorite pen to wind up missing in your office.

Declutter your workspace

That’s why it’s crucial that you only have things that pertain to a specific task at any given time. That’s why you must designate specific work zones to boost work efficiency. Have a specific space where you can do your work and where you don’t spend your leisure hours. Being able to shut the door on distractions can do miracles for your productivity and focus. While and light grey bins can create a clean, aesthetic style in a room that has a light color scheme. You can stack them up to create as much storage space as you need.

My favorite is the upcycled spice rack.If your business involves DIY jewelry, crafts, or sewing, this office organization hack can be very useful. Use them to store beads, needles, buttons, and so much more.They’re transparent, making it easy for you to see what’s inside. They are also designed to be really accessible, making your day at the workspace so much more efficient. To maximize your home office space and, at the same time, add a bit of your personal touch to it, create your pegboard wall.

If pets are going to be too much of a distraction, keep them out of the office. Spouses or roommates shouldn’t be allowed to drop in any time of day, and neither should friends who live down the block (unless it’s absolutely necessary, of course). If you’re worried about chaining yourself to a desk chair all day, or if you want to save a little space, look into standing desks. Lifehacker and Wirecutter have several recommendations from Fully, UpDesk, Varidesk, and others. Having a window will keep you in a healthy, productive headspace. Hang pendant lights above your workspace instead to shed some light on whatever you’re working on.