The researchers began a new set of studies on using disulfiram to treat alcohol dependence. Two other drugs, gabapentin and topiramate, also interact with GABA and glutamate systems. The FDA approved them to treat seizures, but health care professionals sometimes prescribe them “off-label” for alcohol use disorder. Research shows that naltrexone works best for people who have already stopped drinking for at least 4 days when they begin treatment. You take it daily as a pill or get a monthly injection at your health care professional’s office. The medication can help you have fewer days when you drink heavily as well as drink less overall.

  • Naltrexone can be administered as a tablet, injectable or implant.
  • Baclofen seems to help people stop drinking by replacing the role that alcohol plays in the brain.
  • Later, after many reported severe reactions (including some deaths), Antabuse was administered in smaller dosages to support alcohol abstinence.

This study emphasizes the importance of continuing research on existing medications. Additionally, the AHRQ says men are more likely to develop the disorder than women. They predict that 17% of men and 8% of women will develop alcohol use disorder at some point. If you’re ready to get started on your recovery journey, there is help available. It is important to caution individuals that they can experience the reaction with any product containing alcohol such as certain mouthwashes and cold remedies, alcohol-containing mouthwash, and food prepared with alcohol. Patients must be abstinent for 5-7 d before beginning therapy.

Other Options for Alcohol Addiction Treatment

This summary was prepared by the John M. Eisenberg Center for Clinical Decisions and Communications Science at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX. It was written by Amelia Williamson Smith, M.S., Thomas Kosten, M.D., and Michael Fordis, M.D. People with alcohol use disorder reviewed this summary. Alcohol use disorder can be mild to sober house severe, depending on the number of symptoms a person has. Alcohol is the third most commonly used addictive substance, and it can cause irreversible harm if you drink in excess. “You want to use a benzodiazepine that is not too long-acting or too short-acting. They can be tapered down slowly until the danger is past,” Weaver explains.

“Disulfiram has been around the longest and was the only treatment available for a long time. It works by making you feel very sick if you combine it with alcohol. It is used much less today because people just don’t like to take it. It can also be hard on the liver, which may already be damaged by alcohol,” says Weaver. It may sound counterintuitive since alcohol is a drug, but medication is an essential part of alcohol addiction treatment. Going cold turkey without the right medication can lead to life-threatening withdrawal reactions.

Will I need other treatments for alcoholism?

The randomized control trial was double-blinded, so half of the men received naltrexone and half received a placebo, and neither the participants nor the scientists knew who had received which. Each week, participants also received counseling on how to reduce their alcohol use. You and your doctor will decide how long you should take naltrexone. Researchers have found that taking it for longer than 3 months is the most effective treatment. Don’t take extra pills, don’t skip pills, and don’t stop taking the pills until you talk to your doctor.

Here’s what you need to know for safe and successful alcohol addiction treatment. Evidence to support the effectiveness of disulfiram for alcoholism treatment is more inconsistent than that of either naltrexone or acamprosate. Alcohol detox isn’t easy and not everyone can do it on their own. That is why alcohol detox and alcohol withdrawal treatment is administered by medical professionals. Individuals who are dependent on alcohol often suffer from negative side effects such as physical dependence, anxiety, depression, confusion, organ damage, strained relationships and difficulty meeting major responsibilities.

Important safety information about VIVITROL

One of these studies compared the combination with either drug alone and with placebo. The combination was statistically superior to placebo and acamprosate alone and superior (but not statistically) to naltrexone alone. Larger and longer trials of the combination therapy are needed. Researchers agree that while there is no one-size-fits-all approach to treating alcohol disorders, naltrexone and other approved medications are vastly underused. Taking naltrexone on an as-needed basis rather than as a daily dose may be more tolerable for some people because it allows their dopamine levels to recover in between uses. The approach could also let people feel more in control of their treatment.

medications to treat alcoholism

Disulfiram works by making you feel sick if you drink alcohol. Naltrexone does not make you feel sick if you drink alcohol while taking it. Under federal law 42.CFR 8.12, patients receiving treatment in Opioid Treatment Programs (OTPs) must be able to receive counseling, along with medical, vocational, educational, and other assessment and treatment services. Learn more about these treatments for substance use disorders.